Biden is disliked by most Republicans & probably disliked by many Democrats. So I can agree that Biden is an unpopular candidate. Democrats revile Trump, while most Republicans revere Trump. Ever see Trump rallies?

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Not sure how anyone can say that Trump isn't liked by majority of population......have you not seen repeated footage of his rallys? not sure what americans are not united on that matters? I believe most stand for 'rule of law', our freedoms as defined in our constitution, less government in our lives. What are you and others looking for in a 'No Labels' candidate?

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Is there any way to access the webnar? Thanks

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I want to subscribe and the system keeps giving me error messages. PLEASE ADVISE!!

urgentsb@gmail.com thank you

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I am sure that at Hitler rallies an observer would , based on that narrow slice of footage, suggest that the guy is popular; good analogy to Trump

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The last time I heard "No Labels", rush limbaugh was alive.

He said the same thing about Obama that he said about "no labels"...

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Many thanks for doing your best to elect trump !! sarcasm intended !!

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