for those who understand French or use YouTube translation, I recommend his YouTube channel where he publishes twice a week. the interviews with his daughter Emmanuelle are delightful. https://youtube.com/c/InstitutdesLibert%C3%A9sIDL

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Superb commentary by Charles Gave. I could go on but why bother as the folks reading this missive from Haymaker are probably not the ones who are threatening Western society as Charles points out.

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In the list of individual right, consider adding the right to keep and bear arms.

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I'm not sure what anyone in this audience thinks of Ann Rand, but I certainly can see aspects of her story of Atlas Shrugged playing out in some accurate detail in this day and age...Rather prescient and scary her words...

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Once again you and Charles have reminded us of the basic tenets of life in a thriving society. Investment aside, these moral compass points are the defining elements that differentiate a true society from waring tribes.

These are some of the reasons I retired from academia and feel sorry for the colleagues still there, who hold dissenting opinions.

Keep up the good work!

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Excellent summary of Locke and relationship to today - Don't forget that when the BoE began peddling consols and people began exchanging them - in effect fiat money Locke was asked to state what is MONEY - he replied ONLY GOLD

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Although I agree with some, in fact many, of your points I do feel you've missed a chance to lay much of the blame where it truely belongs. Namely, at the feet of multinational companies who fund thinktanks and sponsor politicians to ensure the markets remain "free" for them to maximise profitability at the cost of a western society that is in decline and has been in decline for an increasing majority of its citizens.

Anyone in the west who doesn't recognise they're living in a Corporate State and that the reason democracy is failing is directly because of this really needs to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The whole trickle down experiment has failed. Increasungly, people are poorer and feel powerless so they are drawn to someone/ anyone who offers hope.

You are right to point out the failings of our institutions but please include space to point out the rule changes that have allowed corporate power to usurp the power of the people.

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the most disheartening thing is that for most of us, while we recognize what is happening, there is so little we can actually do. Voting is important, but this is not a left/right thing, but an insider/outsider thing. And we are all just outsiders.

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So much wisdom.

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Outstanding. Thanks for sharing.

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…so where do you recommend your grandchildren live?

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The English never have had separation of church and state. In China the approved religion, Communism, runs every thing in the state. At the dawn of capitalism, all nations had state religions. in the beginning of America, every colony had an "official" religion. Religion, even communism, is not against capitalism. Religion always promotes the morals of the state, thus reinforcing the rule of law that helps market capitalism flourish.

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Deeply thoughtful piece that should be posted on megachurch doors.

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Curious to hear which countries Charles believes are closest to John Locke's ideals.

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Masterful xxx

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